by Becky Schroeder |
We hope you all are loving the giveaways we’ve been able to do the last week. We’ve got more to give-away and we’re especially excited about this next one! Mantraband is a company that makes simply designed bracelets that speak volumes. Each bracelet...
by Robin Farr |
This is a guest post by Sharline Chiang, a writer based in Berkeley, originally from New Jersey. She is a proud, long-time member of VONA, an amazing community of writers of color. When my daughter was born I had no idea that I’d go from ecstatic to fighting thoughts... by Becky Schroeder |
Mindfulness meditation is an effective way to train your mind and body to relax and to be more welcome and accepting of whatever comes your way. If you’ve never tried it, here’s your chance! Headspace makes learning meditation through mindfulness easy. You... by Susan Petcher |
I am honored to introduce my friend Susan Goldberg who is courageously sharing her story of postpartum depression for the first time. Susan’s discussion of how parenting books exacerbated her struggle resonated with me in a way I hadn’t anticipated....