by Alexandra Rosas |
From my viewpoint, everyone around me had it together. I saw the dark-haired mom seated on the other sofa in the gathering room. Her hair was smooth and fell neatly to her shoulders. Her three-month-old daughter looked up at her from her knee, dressed in a spotless... by Jen Gaskell |
My lifeline throughout my recovery from postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety was social media. I credit Google for leading me here to Postpartum Progress. From this website I found the blogs of fellow Warrior Moms. I found my tribe, a community of fellow...
by Kate Kripke |
In light of the recent uproar over the article on antidepressants and pregnancy that was published this week on the New York Times’ Well Blog, I thought I would pause today on the unknowns that likely burden every single mom who suffers with a perinatal mood or...
by Katherine Stone |
Approximately 1 in 7 women suffer from postpartum depression after having a baby. Many more may experience depression during pregnancy, postpartum anxiety, OCD, and more. Postpartum depression is in fact the most common pregnancy-related complication, more widespread...