I just read a blog post from a new mommy who is experiencing postpartum depression for the third time. She is feeling really bad, and decided to reach out to her doctor’s office and here is what happened …

"I called my doctor’s office and couldn’t keep from crying some more as I pleaded for help before my 6 week visit this coming Friday. The nurse said to take a warm bath, get a friend to come over so I could nap, have the husband help more…

So I thanked the nurse, considered her recommendation to take the mini pill (progesterone only birth control) to help smooth out my frazzled hormones, and told her I’d see her Friday. The last time I took the mini pill I cried for two weeks straight and considered radical self-harm. Not an option."

This is a mom with a history of PPD who made the decision to reach out and that’s the help she gets. She might as well not have even bothered to call. I get these same kind of stories from new moms ALL THE TIME. I swear to you I hear stuff like this almost EVERY SINGLE DAY. From big cities and small towns. Do we need any more evidence that many people in the healthcare community just don’t know how to deal with PPD? Knowing what I know now, I think if I had a healthcare professional tell me or anyone I knew something like that I would have a really hard time not DECKING THEM! This makes me so grateful for the healthcare groups and doctors and nurses out there who have taken it upon themselves to be trained about postpartum mood disorders and to try and create systems for caring for women like us. Thank you!!! You are my heroes!!