We know that women of color, particularly Black women, do not have the support and treatment they need in order to achieve recovery after suffering through postpartum depression and anxiety. We know that the system doesn’t support the well-being and wholeness of Black women. More than simply stating the problem, Postpartum Progress is committed to making changes in a system that oppresses and harms extremely vulnerable people.
Our first step to providing change is equipping Black women from all ethnic backgrounds with a tool for seeking help. Our second step is to provide access to mothers of color to tell their stories through the platform we’ve built.
We know that mental wellness happens when we are in the context of community and do not feel alone. Our Black Diaspora Checklist is designed to provide language that is reflective of the Black experience. Postpartum Depression and anxiety show up differently for Black women and women of color.
Because so much of the Black experience can include environmental trauma from systemic racism, it is vital to engage in self-care regularly. As you are facing your experience around postpartum depression, remember that recovery is a process. Below are some steps to help you as you evaluate the best way to obtain support.
Think through how feel. Many women feel increased shame once they realize they have symptoms of postpartum depression. Don’t stuff your feelings. All yourself to move through the emotions. Avoiding your emotions or assigning value to them (ex: I am a bad mom for being angry at my baby) creates internal pain and suffering. Allow yourself space to experience whatever emotions come up.
Determine if any of the things you feel require action. If you realized you were feeling deep shame while in the processing stage, does that require action? Some feeling are just feelings. Understand that they are not facts and they do not have inherent value other than to inform you of what you experienced. If emotions you experienced were linked to a need (ex: I feel angry because I am tired and drained) it may be necessary to move to the next stage and make a plan for your well-being.
Once you recognize that your emotional experience was informing something you need to take action on, it is time to plan. What is your goal? How will you achieve that goal? Do you need support achieving that goal? Create steps for yourself and make self-care through a plan with concrete steps a requirement.
This can be the most difficult step. Form a support team who can help you be accountable to your well-being. Understand that you cannot pour anything out of an empty vessel. Recognize that the well-being of your child is directly linked to how well you take care of yourself.