I’ve spent the week in San Jose at the NTEN Non-Profit Technology Conference learning all sorts of ways to utilize technology to help mamas in need. I’ve learned so much in these three days, let me tell you. My brain is full of new forms of technology or new ways we can use our existing platforms to reach, help, and serve more moms around the world.
Of course, we’ll tell you more about what to expect after I meet with the team and tell them all of my fancy ideas. Some might be immediate while others will take awhile to roll out. But you should know that we at Postpartum Progress are always working and learning to figure out how to best serve you.
But… that’s not really what this post is about.
During the course of the week, I’ve had lots of time to talk with other hard-working non-profit employees about their work, their missions, their passions, their hangups, their challenges, and their lives. It’s been interesting getting to know lots of different people from lots of different people. If you ever want to pop out of your own local bubble, attend a non-profit conference. The world is big and there are so many unique, driven individuals working so hard to change this world in which we all live. It’s inspiring.
I attended one very helpful session which will definitely benefit our mamas. (More later, I promise!) Later that evening, I ran into two of the women who presented this super beneficial information. One of the women had her back to me, so I thanked the other woman for the presentation.
And then I introduced myself and stated I work for Postpartum Progress.
Her eyes got wide. “Does my coworker know that?”
“I don’t think so.”
This woman then grabbed the other woman’s sleeve, turned her around, and pointed at me. “This is Jenna. She works for Postpartum Progress.”
The other woman’s face changed and she said, “You guys saved my life.”
We work as hard as we do as a small team in a maternal mental health non-profit for little moments like these. I’ve never had someone say it to my face, but I finally heard it on a rooftop patio at a conference for non-profits to learn about technology. Katherine has experienced this time and time again in email and in person, most recently one shared on our Instagram feed.
I don’t share this to toot our horn. I share this to toot YOUR horn.
Somewhere out there, another Warrior Mom shared our information at her local mom’s group. That’s how the woman I met last night found out about us. If it wasn’t for that Warrior Mom, the mom’s group wouldn’t have known to share that information with any moms who might be struggling with postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. The mom I met last night might not have gotten the care she needed in a timely manner—or at all.
Somewhere out there is a Warrior Mom who saved a life. I don’t know who she is. I don’t know her story. But I do know that we have hundreds and thousands of Warrior Moms just like her who regularly share the mission of Postpartum Progress with their mom groups, on Facebook and other social media platforms, with doctors, with family members, with new and expectant moms, with just about everyone they meet. These Warrior Moms don’t give a rip about stigma; they’re breaking it down and rebuilding their own community of support and survivorship in its place.
And we are SO proud of each and every one of you.
Thank you to all who have taken the time to share a post, to pass out hug cards, to sit in your mom’s group and say, “Hey, have your heard of Postpartum Progress?” You are not only helping us to make a difference for moms, babies, and families; YOU are making a difference for moms, babies, and families.
Thank you, Warrior Moms.
Thank you Jenna. <3 <3 <3
Jenna, I was truly touched by your post. Thank you for all the work you do to help bring awareness and removing the stigma of what is such a common problem among woman. It was a pleasure to get to meet you in person at NTC and I look forward to staying in touch.