Developing Depression After Weaning from Breastfeeding

Over the years, I have heard from many women whose postpartum experiences were just fine until they stopped breastfeeding. It is rare, however, for me to find any research on the topic of depression after weaning, or a personal story about it. So I was happy to see this story from the blog A Cup of Jo, written by Joanna Goddard, about the depression she experienced at eight months postpartum after weaning.

Here’s a bit of her story after she realized why she was suffering:

In late January, I had decided to wean Toby from breastfeeding for a number of reasons, so I quite abruptly weaned him within a week. But instead of feeling liberated, I began feeling tired and sad and went into a downward spiral. The timing of the beginning of my depression (weaning Toby) and the end of my depression (getting my period again) lined up perfectly.

I hate that she was only able to find a few stories on this, because you know we like to cover all issues related to depression and anxiety and pregnancy and childbirth here on Postpartum Progress. So, if you experienced weaning after depression, send me your story and we may be able to feature it here. Let’s make sure the moms who go through this have the information they need and don’t feel alone.