by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post comes from Warrior Mom Catherine Barber. She lists the things she wish she’d known more about postpartum depression before experiencing it first hand. -Jenna] Our culture celebrates the joys of motherhood. We shower...
by Jenna Hatfield |
One Month Until Climb Out of the Darkness! You guys. Climb Out of the Darkness is 32 days away. Which means on Wednesday, May 18, the Climb will be ONE MONTH AWAY. ONE. MONTH. As Postpartum Progress Staff, we are so excited to watch the numbers climb as you continue...
by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: We have something special for you today. It’s a poem from Postpartum Progress board member, Deborah Rimmler. Maybe it’s just what you need to read today, coming off the high or low of Mother’s Day. -Jenna] Call of the Warrior...
by Jenna Hatfield |
Dear New Mama, I had a plan and remarkably, it worked. I wanted to have two children and around two years apart. In the grand scheme of things, it seemed like a good idea. I would be back to work in less time, they would have each other as companions. Vacations,...
by Jenna Hatfield |
Dear Mamas, When I was young, Mother’s Day was a tough one. We would make or buy random things for her for the day, do whatever she desired, and she would soak it all in. The love, attention, the affirmation that she deserved to be celebrated on a day reserved for all...