by Katherine Stone
tristeza posparto Nos da gusto saber que desea aprender más sobre la depresión postparto. Es una enfermedad común que afecta a las madres y también a sus familias. Los científicos creen que los cambios en los niveles hormonales durante y después del embarazo pueden... by Katherine Stone |
MedEdPPD is conducting a quick, 2-question survey about a potential university-based study of women of childbearing age who have a history of depression. They would like you to take a few moments to answer the survey (Quick & Easy!), and would additionally request... by Katherine Stone |
Casey, who writes the blog Moosh in Indy, has written a very beautiful piece on her depression and how it may (or may not) affect her child. It is a true love letter to her daughter. The photos she includes of she and her baby together are just gorgeous, and I found... by Katherine Stone |
Dr. John Grohol at Psych Central has just published a blog post on the 7 Myths of Depression.All of these would, of course, apply to women with postpartum depression as well. A couple of thekey points he makes: "In depression, time alone doesn’t help, nor does... by Katherine Stone |
Kudos to reporter Sherry Rauh and the Miami Herald for doing a nicely balanced article on depression during pregnancy and the treatment options. There are risks either way, and it is important to work with your ob/gyn to make the best decision for YOU. Also, for more...