by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Moms, I’m writing this one whole day past my rookie year of parenting. My son turned one yesterday, capping off the fastest, scariest, easiest and hardest year of my life. I know, it sounds impossible, but it was all those things and more. Our first days were...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear new mom, First things first: Know that depression after weaning is a real thing. I didn’t realize this. Many people don’t, although there is starting to be more information out there about it. All I knew about was regular postpartum depression, and I braced...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, If you’re reading this post with a heart at peace, congratulations. Motherhood marks the beginning of a sacred life journey. But if you’re reading this post and your head won’t dare allow your heart to feel anything beyond anxiety and profound sadness,...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mama, Practice this mantra in the mirror in the morning. Tattoo it on the inside of your wrist. Commit it to memory so you will never forget: Get more help than you think you deserve. Motherhood, in all its joy and sorrow is not meant to be done alone. They...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New, Beautiful, Mom, I cry as I write this to you, because I know how you feel. Maybe you are wondering what the hell is happening to you right now. Maybe you are so lost you don’t know where to turn. Maybe you are just tired, and sad, and want to love your...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, I barely remember my first Mother’s Day. My son was born five weeks early in April 2009. Not carrying him to term made me feel like I failed at motherhood before I even got started. By the time Mother’s Day rolled around, I didn’t feel like there was...