by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom: He was my second son. Having already had 4.5 years under my parenting belt, I had no worries or fears that I could indeed endure another “first year.” I could handle the nursing, waking of all hours, the physical demands of another human being. I...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, Are you one of those moms who have had PPD and wonder how – or if – you could ever have another child? This is for you. When your early path through motherhood includes a detour through a postpartum mood disorder like postpartum depression, the... by Katherine Stone |
Dear you, Today is Mother’s Day – *the day* to celebrate the miracle of motherhood. I know you’re being bombarded with it as we speak. But for many of us, that miracle is wrought with struggle and pain. Right now, you might not wish to celebrate.... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mama, I saw you sitting alone at play group the other day. You looked tired and sad. I could see you playing with your wee babe, trying to interact and be present, but it was like there was an invisible wall between the two of you. I also saw you listening...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear new mom, When my son was nine days old, I started having intrusive thoughts. I didn’t know what these thoughts were. I feared it meant my subconscious had malicious intent. I was afraid to be alone with my son. I was afraid I was crossing the line between...
by Katherine Stone |
Hey there Mama, I’m writing this post right now in the bliss of solitude. I’m sitting at a table in a cafe enjoying a smoothie. Where are my children? At home. With a sitter. Having fun. It took me four years to discover what I’m about to tell you....