by Katherine Stone |
Therese Borchard features a great piece at her blog Beyond Blue called the "10 Common Myths About Clinical Depression".Check it out. by Katherine Stone |
*edited* The PBS article referred to in this post has expired from the PBS site. Much of the content remains below* I’m very excited to share with you that I have been asked to blog on the topic of postpartum depression over on PBS’ “This Emotional... by Katherine Stone |
Speaking of the alternative treatment methods for postpartum depression I wrote about yesterday, I forgot to mention the endless self-help gurus who sell you their wares as the key to getting a fulfilled life, happiness, the perfect weight, the perfect husband and a...
by Katherine Stone |
While doing my daily required reading of articles, blog posts, tweets and other assorted media across the web about postpartum depression and related illnesses, I came across a question a while back posted on Mamapedia by a mom with postpartum anxiety. She was looking... by Katherine Stone |
This week, as part of the debate over healthcare reform, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment to Senator Harry Reid's healthcare bill that would support funding for postpartum depression screening. Thisamendment, led by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), is unrelated... by Katherine Stone |
Apparently Thanksgiving is a time to write openly about postpartum depression in the blogosphere. I was surprised to see such an uptick in stories from women who have gone through it or are currently. I suppose it's because going through such a dark place focuses...