by Katherine Stone |
Scene: Monday. 3:30pm or thereabouts. Stone Callis residence. Conversation between mom and 8-year-old son with whom she had horrible, raging postpartum OCD and cried every day, and knew he’d never love her, and thought she’d ruined his life and hers... by Katherine Stone |
Are you suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety or OCD or psychosis right this very minute? Then click on the links below. See how these two Warrior Moms, from I Can Grow People and Medicated in Minnesota,are making it through to the other side and looking... by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today, I welcome a guest post from Heather, who has bravely and graciously agreed to share her story of postpartum psychosis in hopes it will help others. This piece may feel triggering to some, so please only read if you are in a safe place.... by Katherine Stone |
Last week I asked you to tell us what finally brought those of you who have recovered, or are in the process of doing so, to reach out for professional help. There were some really great responses in the comments section, but I heard from a healthcare professional who... by Katherine Stone |
Sarah, who writes the blog In the Trenches of Mommyhood, has written a series of posts that delves into having three children and experiencingpostpartum depressionwith the third. Check it out … PPD and Me, part 1 PPD and Me, part 2 PPD and Me, part 3 PPD and Me,... by Katherine Stone |
The mom at The Vaca Loca blog has written about what made her finally reach out for help for postpartum depression. Prior to getting that help, nursing was the reason she gave herself to wait: In a previous post I mentioned that I resisted getting treatment for the...