Anyone feel like Mother’s Day kind of sneaked up on us this year? Well, Happy Mother’s Day all the same!
Every year for eight years now we bring you the words of other Warrior Moms on Mother’s Day to encourage you, to inspire you, to remind you that you are not alone—NEVER alone. These moms share parts of their story to show you that yes, you can come out on the other side a whole person, a whole mother. Their words offer hope to all those who have fought postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, who are still fighting, and to those who will fight in the future.
We’ll be posting these beautiful, wonderful, needed pieces all day long. We’ll share them across our social media accounts. If you don’t have time to read them today because you’re busy loving up your little ones—or just trying to make it through another day—don’t worry. They’ll be here for you. In fact, you can check out the Mother’s Day Rally archives for all eight years of posts from Warrior Moms like you. Because you’re not alone in this; many have come before you and want you to know that you can do this, mama. You will do this.
Whether today is an easy day for you or a hard day, for whatever your reason, we want you to know that the entire staff at Postpartum Progress holds you close today. Feel what you need to feel today. Be who you need to be today. Ask for help if you need it, today and all days. We stand with you; you are not alone.
With love,
The Staff at Postpartum Progress
Katherine, Jenna, Miranda, Susan, Jasmine, Shannon, Heather
2016 Warrior Mom Posts
Katherine Stone: That’s a Lot of Hats
Shannon Hennig: This Isn’t Normal
Kerry Neville: For Future Mother’s Days
Lesley Neadel: When the Light Comes Back On
Kelly Bauer: Meeting the Mother I Am
Audra Barrick: You Are Not Alone
Mariah Warren: Jedi Motherhood
Alexandra Rosas: 7 Reasons to Cherish Yourself
Bridget Croteau: You Will Get Better
Cristi Comes: Happy Mother’s Day
Alyssa Roberts: The Sun Will Shine
Jasmine Banks: Prepare to Bloom
Christy Douglas: Born Into Motherhood
Kylie Abrahams: Finding Mother’s Day
Melissa Anderson: When Your Smile Isn’t a Lie
Lindsey Breitschaedel: When Things Don’t Go As Planned
Andrea Bates: You Deserve to Celebrate
Kori Zwaagstra: Tips for New Moms
Amy Brannan: The JOY of Motherhood
Alicia Glascock: New Mom, I See You
Kelly Andrews: Just Keep Showing Up
Samantha Konikoff: You Are a Wonderful Mother
Susan Petcher: You Are Enough
Casie Smiley: Every Dog Has Her Day
The Annual Mother’s Day Rally for Moms’ Mental Health is presented by Postpartum Progress, a national nonprofit that raises awareness & provides peer support for women who have postpartum depression and all other mental illnesses related to pregnancy and childbirth. To see some of the ways we provide moms support, visit http://postpartumprogress.org/community/.