Diane Sanford, PhD,and Ann Dunnewold, PhD, have launched their new book: "Life Will Never Be the Same: The Real Mom's Postpartum Survival Guide". They also have a new website, RealMomExperts.com, where you can buy the book. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, as I'm behind in just about everything. But I already know it's awesome because I know them, and they are awesome. Go check out their site to learn more about the book!

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.