by Katherine Stone |
Dontcha know that seeing the title of this little piece of research would set my heart to racing! "A preliminary investigation of the impact of maternal obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder on parenting and children" The research isn't on... by Katherine Stone |
Prentice Women's Hospital at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago has now made screening and education for posptartum depression a standard practice. (Wahoo!) "Postpartum depression is under-recognized and under-treated," said Jacqueline Gollan, PhD,...
by Katherine Stone |
Today, September 11th, is a very moving day for me. Among the remembrances of what happened in New York City, at the Pentagon and in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, I also remember the beginning of what became both a devastating experience and a true blessing in... by Katherine Stone |
I have a lot of respect for this dad at The Daddy Files, who admits to everyone on the planet who has access to the internet that he BLEW it when it came to supporting his wife during her postpartum depression: "… when Will was born, I was so happy. MJ had... by Katherine Stone |
Here is a mom who needs your support. Go to her blog and let her know she's not alone. And here's another mom who waited quite a long time to get help for PPD, but wishes she had reached out earlier. I love this message at the end of her post: "I go back...