by Katherine Stone |
He walks off the bus yesterday with a scowl on his face. His mouth is all scrunched up and his eyes are narrowed. This is not a face I’ve seen before. Thoughts race through my mind. Did he get in a fight? Did he get in trouble with his teacher?... by Katherine Stone |
L'Oreal is now accepting nominations for its Women of Worth Awards. I think we have a lot of worthy women around here, so consider nominating someone. From their website: Who is a Woman Of Worth? She's an inspiring volunteer, an outstanding achiever, and a... by Katherine Stone |
As I’m sitting here with my five year old upstairs pitting Barbies against each other I wonder, is there a time limit on postpartum depression? Because essentially from the moment she sprang forth from my loins I became postpartum. It’s beginning to feel...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post might be triggering for some moms as she openly discusses intrusive thoughts bordering on psychosis in detail. Please only read if you are in a safe space. -Katherine] Dear New Moms, Congratulations! Life as you knew it... by Katherine Stone |
Dear Girl Like Me, This has to be my third or fourth draft of this letter. I started it several times, but could never finish it, and now I think I know why:I was trying to write a comtemplative, serious letter full of wisdom and strength, but after two paragraphs or... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, You Go, Girl. So you've had a baby. Congratulations! Now what? The myth has already been dispelled. By now you know that conceiving, getting pregnant, staying pregnant, giving birth, nursing and taking care of an infant is nothing like what they said...