by Cristi Comes |
After the birth of my 2nd child Ellie, my mental health changed dramatically. I started to have symptoms of mania, which until then had not presented themselves. After going through what I thought was postpartum depression and anxiety, I’ve come to understand...
by Cristi Comes |
[Editor’s Note: As I teen, I experienced a date rape. It was a one time incident, but it rocked my mental health in ways I never knew possible. In fact, its the event that brought my chronic mental illness to the surface. It affected my self image and sexuality... by Jen Gaskell |
Jenna’s story differs from my own in one key area: support. She did not receive the support she so desperately needed from her husband. Warrior Mamas need our support and love. Jenna needed to hear that she was not alone and that she would get well. My husband... by Jen Gaskell |
I’m welcoming a fellow Warrior Mom friend of mine today to share her story with the Postpartum Progress community. Jenna and I met online through #ppdchat, and we became fast friends. Since I only experienced postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety with the...
by Katherine Stone |
I’m going to give you a little tough love today because I care about you and there are some very important things I want you to know. So I’m going to give them to you straight. Here is what full postpartum anxiety or postpartum depression recovery DOES NOT... by Esther Dale |
Every Monday, Lauren Hale (@unxpctdblessing on twitter) of the blog My Postpartum Voice hosts a moderated twitter chat: #PPDChat[1]. #PPDChat is an excellent resource and sees some wonderful discussions that are doing a lot to increase education and awareness about...