by Katherine Stone |
Once a month I get hit with it. Right before my period. It’s not so obvious as getting whacked in the gut with a bat, but more like a thick black fog rolling over me that I don’t even notice until I’m plunged in the darkness and it’s too late....
by Kate Kripke |
Each woman who becomes a mother wants to have a solid, strong, and healthy attachment with her baby. And with that, I think it’s fair to assume, each mother fears on some level that this will not occur. Some moms worry that they won’t have the tools to bond and...
by Katherine Stone |
So here’s the deal my therapist, social worker, midwife, psychologist and psychiatrist friends: GET THEE ONLINE. I was speaking with a therapist today who specializes in PPD and she was lamenting her online presence. The conversation inspired me to give all of...
by Katherine Stone |
Welcome Warrior Mom and guest Sherri Goodall on the blog today, sharing her PPD experience for the first time ever!! In 1997 I had just been given a severance package from a struggling non-profit. Because they were struggling, they offered me a combination of money...
by Katherine Stone |
Happy to welcome Warrior Mom Karen C. today, sharing her story of pregnancy depression and postpartum depression, and how recovery is like a marathon race. Like many mothers before me, I looked with anticipation toward the joys and challenges of raising my first... by Katherine Stone |
A Postpartum Progress reader has asked me to reach out to all of you for some advice about baby books, and I’m happy to do it, so here goes. What do you think? I have been through PPD twice and am pregnant with my third. I’m trying even harder to prevent...