Warrior Moms of the Week 1/14/11

So much openness and honesty … Amber Koter at Beyond Postpartum on hopelessness and postpartum depression. Elizabeth Lombino on the myth of the superhero mom and why PPD is so taboo. Mama Robin J on the game Jenga as a metaphor for PPD. (love...

Warrior Moms of the Week 1-7-11

Some wonderful Warrior Moms sharing stories of doing their best to get through antenatal and postpartum depression … Mama Robin at Rage Against the Baby talking about one of the symptoms many moms with PPD are surprised to experience: anger. A guest post on...
Postpartum Depression & The Christmas Frenzy

Postpartum Depression & The Christmas Frenzy

It’s December already. I’m not quite sure where November went, but according to my calendar, it’s come and gone. This time last year, I was knee-deep in Christmas presents, decorations, and plans for elaborate activities. Today, I have yet to buy one present, and I’m...