by Katherine Stone |
A lot of great reading right now related to postpartum depression, birth trauma, postpartum PTSD and more this week, so I wanted to direct you straight to it: Help for a Traumatic Delivery and Postpartum Depression – Over on the Huffington Post, Amy Przeworski...
by Katherine Stone |
Every pregnant and new mother, regardless of her geographical location, race, marital status, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status should have the right to enjoy, as the World Health Organization states, the “highest attainable standard of mental... by Katherine Stone |
Today I’m happy to welcome Warrior Mom A’Driane Nieves with a VERY IMPORTANT survey for you to fill out. See below!! I didn’t have any sisters growing up, so sisterhood was a foreign concept to me. I never joined Girl Scouts, most of my friends in school... by Katherine Stone |
I’m so happy to welcome Warrior Mom Rachel Barenblat to Postpartum Progress today, sharing her poetry around postpartum depression. When I look back now, I can’t believe it took me so long to recognize the postpartum depression for what it was. Sure, I...
by Katherine Stone |
The Postpartum Resource Center of New York will also host a 2-day training, PSI’s Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Components of Care, at the Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks NY, this November 14-15. To attend or learn more, click here. PSI is also...
by Kate Kripke |
Lately I have received numerous calls from moms whose kiddos are past the one-year mark. A couple of recent calls have been from moms whose kiddos are as “old” as 3. These moms always start the same way: “My son/daughter is almost (1, 2, 3), and so I know that I don’t...