by Katherine Stone |
There are so many great posts and news stories about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders out there that it’s high time I did a news roundup. Warrior Mom Stories Prenatal Depression Nearly Drove Amanda Lee To Suicide — The Star A great post on depression...
by Katherine Stone |
Earlier this month I shared with you some of the hopes and dreams of members of the Postpartum Progress Warrior Mom Battalion. Since then, I’ve heard from more Warrior Moms, so I wanted to share their words with you as well: “My dream is that OBs,... by Katherine Stone |
It’s easy to believe you’re stupid. Dense. I mean, how could you possibly not know you have PPD or anxiety right? Well, you’re not stupid at all. Not dense. Not even unusual. So many moms have no idea what’s wrong with them, and no idea that...
by Jen Gaskell |
I watched my daughters climb all over the booth and shout at each other with excitement. My youngest could not contain her joy at being the birthday girl. Since it was her birthday, she got to choose her birthday dinner. She requested a trip to her favorite burger...
by Katherine Stone |
One of the amazing things about Postpartum Progress is that many of the survivors who come here for information and support during their struggle never leave. You’d think that once they got past postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum psychosis or... by Katherine Stone |
What is an e patient? According to Wikipedia, it’s a person who uses the Internet to gather information about a medical condition of particular interest to her, and who uses electronic communication tools (like the internet and social media) to cope with medical...